Friday, July 8, 2011


Five Minute Friday is here again. And this week's topic is "Grateful", so grab your computer and a little down time for a quick session.

Ready... GO

I have so very much to be grateful for. When I really stop to think about it, I know that I have the life that people dream of. We don't have the nicest cars or newest phones or biggest TVs, but we've got what really counts...FAMILY.

I have a husband that loves me. He is for me. He works hard, so that I don't have to. All of the time I hear ladies say how much they wish they could be home with their kids, but they can't for one reason or another. My Matthew, he does whatever it takes to make sure that my kids will be able to have their mommy home with them during this season of life.

I have three beautifully amazing kids. We are crazy around here most of the time with three kids under school age, but I wouldn't trade a single one of them :) My kids may drive me absolutely mad at times, but when I stop and just look at their faces I realize that they are more than I could ever ask for.

I have an amazing church home. I have been blessed with a pastor and church family that know me personally. Never do I doubt my place or worth in the family of God when I am with those people. We worship in spirit and truth and love God!

The list could go on and on and on, I didn't mention my parents or siblings or friends or education or conveniences of life, but alas 5 minutes goes by too fast.... so for now, just know that I am grateful!


That being said, I am really trying to get back into blogging. I thought this might be the doorway to that, but I haven't gotten there yet :) So starting Monday, I am going to go back to adding our weekly menu in an effort to make myself get back on here more regularly. See ya then; have a great weekend!


  1. So glad that you joined up here!

    What a beautiful list to be thankful for! I love how your husband really wants to let you stay home with your kids and how you talked about your church family. What a blessing!!

    Glad to find you through 5 Minute Friday

  2. What a wonderful list to acknowledge. I loved reading about the things you are grateful for. Hope to see you here more often.

  3. What a great post to start getting back into blogging! I'm totally with you on not having the biggest cars or TV, but having family. That's definitely something to be grateful for.
